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We offer Builders Profile packages from just £349 including systems, gap analysis, and submission to ensure you have the tools you need to gain the Builders Profile accreditation.

About Builders Profile

Builder’s Profile is the open-access Common Database service providing compliance and PQQ information to the construction industry.

The secure Common Database enables subcontractors and suppliers to easily maintain and share information. For main contractors and clients it provides all the information, documents and tools required to manage a supply chain no matter how large or small.

The construction industry depends upon its subcontractors with most Private Sector companies and all Public Sector concerns requiring formal pre-qualification. This has meant a different PQQ question set from virtually every main contractor.

The Builder’s Profile addresses the costs, complexities and communication overheads of multiple PQQs. Subscribers use a common database, the construction-industry standard that also integrates with and complements any: Main Contractor, Audit Partner or Industry Procurement & Supply Chain Management service.

For main contractors; Builder’s Profile reduces the costs of administering, improving & maintaining supply chain compliance & PQQ information and locating new suppliers.

For subcontractors & suppliers; Builder’s Profile is a user-friendly ‘complete once, share to many’ service that makes PQQ submission simple, and keeping information up-to-date easy

VAT Number - 483 8256 55

Company Number - 09299307 Registered in England 
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